What does it cost to use the Colibri system?

The price is 2.75 cents per respondent per open-ended question in a survey. So if you had 300 surveys and one open-end question to code, the cost would be 300 times 2.75 cents = $8.25. If the 300 surveys had two open-ended questions, the cost would be 300 times 2.75 cents times 2 questions = $16.50. The 2.75 cents charge per question per survey gives you an unlimited number of codes for answers to each open-end question (most questions only require 2 or 3 answer codes). For example, if open-end question 21 for respondent 204 required that 7 answer codes be applied, then the total cost for that specific question/respondent would be 2.75 cents, the same as if 3, or 4, or 10 answer codes had been applied. The number of applied codes per respondent per open-end question is unlimited.

How do I apply for a free trial of the Colibri system?

Please contact Lisa Hazen at lhazen@nuancecoding.com or call her 817-640-6166; or contact Claire Jones at cjones@decisionanalyst.com or call at her 817-640-6166. They will give you a block of free credits to help you get started.

How would I pay for the Colibri system?

You would open an account online and buy credits in advance of usage. One credit allows you to code one open-end question for one respondent. So a credit equals 2.75 cents in value. You would use a credit card, debit card, or Paypal to buy credits in most instances. The minimum advance purchase of credits is $25. The unused or unapplied money in your account is your money and always belongs to you. Please discuss with Lisa Hazen. She can help you set up the payment plan that best fits your needs. Contact Lisa at 817-640-6166 or lhazen@nuancecoding.com.

How would I get my open-ends or textual data into the Colibri system?

Once you have set up your account and opened a project number and/or project name, you could then upload the answers to each open-end question or other-specify question for that specific project, following the detailed instructions.

How do I go about getting training for myself and others?

Please contact Lisa and she will discuss the options available. An hour of free training might be enough to get you started, if you have coding experience. If you have a whole Team of beginners to train from scratch, then the coding training could take several days and cost $2,000 or $3,000 or more.

What if I find an error or bug in the software, or have a suggestion to improve the software?

If the bug or error is minor and you can keep on working in Colibri, then just fill out a bug/error report (by clicking on the xyz button). You can click on the same button to offer a suggestion for improving the software. If the software stops working, or you cannot complete your work, then contact support immediately at Logiciansupport@nuancecoding.com or call 817-xxx-xxxx.

What if my computer fails, and I lose all of my coding work?

Please contact Logiciansupport@nuancecoding.com (or call 817-xxx-xxxx) and we will restore your data. Your work in Colibri is backed up on a continuous basis.

What about the security of my questions, answers, and codes? Could someone hack into my account or datafile?

Your account and all information in your account and/or specific projects are encrypted when you are not logged into your account or not working on a specific project. Your account is also protected by your passwords. Upon request, we can limit access to your account/projects to a limited set of specific computers. The greatest risk is always the user’s passwords. So, it’s really important to limit access to passwords and use passwords that are not easy to hack. Normally, a password should include upper and lower case letters, multiple numbers, and one or two symbols such as #, %, &, $.

What is the upfront cost of Colibri? What about the cost per user?

There is no upfront cost, other than buying the credits you need to use Colibri. Once you open an account, you can have as many different users working on a project (or multiple projects) as you want. There are no per user or per seat charges.

Do academics and students get free access to Colibri?

Universities with survey research, marketing research, political science, analytics, or social science classes or programs can apply to Lisa Hazen (lhazen@nuancecoding.com or 817-640-6166) to see if students in specific courses can be approved for free access to and free usage of Colibri.