
Collaborative, real-time, open-end coding
Colibri is a state-of-the-art system for coding answers to open-ended survey questions and coding other types of textual data.
  • Powerful, secure, and easy-to-use.
  • Works with many languages.
  • Features many productivity tools.
  • Multiple coders can work simultaneously on the same question in real time.
  • Quality audit capabilities and features are integral to the system.
Colibri Software

Basic Facts

2.75 Cents Per Question Per Respondent

Purchase only what you need when you need it. One credit equals one question coded for one respondent or one person. You can apply as many answer codes per question per respondent as you wish for the 2.75 cents. The number of answer codes you can apply to one open-end question for one respondent is unlimited.

Credit Cards, PayPal, Checks, and Wire Transfers

You can purchase credits online with a credit card, debit card, or PayPal. The minimum purchase amount is $25 if using a credit card, debit card, or PayPal. The minimum advance payment by checks and wire transfers is $1,000.00, to help pay for the extra staff time required to handle checks and wire transfers. The money you pay in advance is always your money, and you can withdraw any unused or unapplied amounts at any time. There is no charge for refunds if you are using a credit card, debit card, or PayPal. There is a $5 processing fee to refund check and wire transfer balances since staff time is involved in the refund process.

Ease-to-use Drag and Drop

Apply codes by dragging and dropping. Combine nets by dragging and dropping.


Create Multiple Nets within Nets. Easily view them, edit and organize, with drag and drop tools.


Colibri works equally in many languages. Multi-Language surveys can be coded using the same codebook.


All data, content, and results are encrypted during transfers (uploading, downloading) and during storage. Your data is protected by Decision Analyst Software Services firewalls, security procedures, and encryption, plus your data is protected by all of the Amazon Cloud’s (AWS’s) security systems and protective tools. Decision Analyst Software Services can access your data, content, and results to troubleshoot problems, analyze/counter potential security threats, or to restore lost data. No other Decision Analyst Software Services access is permitted.


Basic training via help files, videos, and chat messaging services are included in the base price. You will also have an Account Manager assigned to help you via phone or email. The system is easy to use, so most coders can learn the system with minimal training. We are always here to help.

Custom Training

If you would like training, classes are available for groups or one-on-one. Contact Lisa Hazen to learn more about training ( or call at 817-640-6166.

Administrator Can Lock Codes And Nets

When multiple people are working on the same coding project, an administrator can lock codes and/or verbatims so that those codes/verbatims cannot be changed.

User Collaboration

Multiple users can work on the same question at the same time. The software keeps track of all coders and prevents duplications or overlap.

Import/Export multiple data file types

You can import or export your data in multiple file formats, including: .txt, Access, Excel, csv, and SPSS.

Import/Export Codebooks

When working on projects that are similar, codebooks can be copied from one project to another, or imported from .txt file


Once coding is finished, analytic graphs and reports can be generated and exported.

Data Visualization

The results of the coding can be illustrated via data visualization tools and downloaded as pdf files.

Software Demo

If you would like to see what Colibri offers, contact Lisa Hazen or Claire Jones. They will be happy to demo Colibri for you.

Free Trial

If you would like to give Colibri a try, please contact Lisa Hazen ( to set up free credits so you can test the system.

Getting Started

Step 1

Sign up for your free account today!

Step 2

Get free credits to try out Colibri.. Contact Lisa Hazen at or call 817-640-6166, and she will set up free credits for you

Step 3

Purchase Credits. If you decide to subscribe to Colibri, you can buy as many credits as you wish via credit card, debit card, or PayPal. The minimum amount is $25.00, and the cost per open-end question per respondent is 2.75 cents. You can also purchase credits by check, money order, or wire transfer.

Step 4

Use the Software Use Logician® Coding Software. Purchase additional credits as you need them.


Supplemental Terms and Conditions

The full Terms and Conditions are outlined on this site’s main page. These supplemental Terms and Conditions apply only to Colibri. The main points in these Supplemental Terms and Conditions are:

Please review this Site’s complete Terms and Conditions. Buy purchasing credits and using the Colibri software you are accepting the Site’s complete Terms and Conditions, as well as Colibri’s Supplemental Terms and Conditions.

Contact Us

If you would like more information about the Colibri system, or about buying coding services, please contact Lisa Hazen at or 817-640-6166, or contact Claire Jones at or call at 817-640-6166.