Cloud-Based Software Services for Research and Analytics

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Decision Analyst Software Services run on the Amazon Cloud (AWS) and offer advanced features and capabilities, handle datasets of any size, and operates at amazing speeds. Advanced analytics routines and statistical techniques are vetted by Decision Analyst's Advanced Analytics Team, and exhaustively tested by its Quality Assurance Team and thousands of users around the world. Our goal is to bring the latest research and analytic tools to marketing researchers, social scientists, consultants, political scientists, economists, marketing analysts, business analysis, and data scientists.

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All Data and Content that you upload to Decision Analyst Software Services, as well as your results, are protected by encryption, firewalls, and other active security procedures and safeguards. Your personal information and your organizations' information are never shared or used for any purpose other than ensuring your access to and usage of this Site and its Software Services. All data, content, and results are encrypted whenever you are not actively using those data, content, and results. For added security and at your request, access can be limited to specific computers, specific ISPs, specific time zones or time windows, specific languages, etc.

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easy to use

All of Decision Analyst Software Services use similar formats, language, and protocols, so that the Software is easy to use. Extensive usability testing is a standard part of our software development process. We welcome feedback and suggestions to make our software better and easier to use. As you work across our different software systems, the learning curve should get shorter because of the user-interface standards and similarities.

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As a user, you are charged our Amazon Cloud hosting fees, plus a markup to cover staff time for support services, security and encryption, liability insurance, and software development. You also pay for the time you (and/or your company/account) actually use the software, although the fees are quite modest. To program and run a survey among 500 respondents, cross-tab the results, and run some key driver analyses would typically cost less than $20 for the software alone. Open-end questions’ coding costs might add another $25. Most active users will spend less than $100 a month. There are no minimum monthly fees. You pay in advance with a credit card, debit card, or PayPal.

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Explore Our Software Services

Powerful / Secure / Easy-to-use /Economical
Logician® Research Software

A complete suite of software systems to conduct online surveys, analyze the results, and prepare reports.

  • Project Control System
  • Panel Management
  • Sampling System
  • Survey Invitations Emails
  • Survey Programming
  • Open-end Coding
  • Text Analytics
  • Cross-Tabulations
  • Reporting System
Reckon® Analytics (Coming 2023)

A Cloud-based SaaS Statistical And Analytics Software System

  • Project Control System
  • Data Management
  • Statistical and Analytic Procedures
    • Regression
    • Discriminant Analysis
    • Choice Modeling
    • Conjoint Analysis
    • Predictive Analytics
    • Attribution Modeling
Free STATS 3.0

Basic Statistical Calculators

  • Random Numbers
  • Statistical Significance Tests
  • Mobile Friendly
Software Services

Decision Analyst invests heavily in the development of industry-leading software systems for research and analytics. The strategic plan is to make these cloud-computing systems available to companies, organizations, governmental agencies, and universities worldwide.

Security and Encryption

All Data and Content from Customers in transit to and from Decision Analyst’s servers and to and from the Amazon Cloud are protected by encryption (SSL at 192 bits); storage and processing of Data and Content in the Amazon Cloud are protected by encryption and Amazon’s full array of security measures, systems, and security experts. The data is decrypted for analytical processes and procedures to run, but the Data, Content, and Results are re-encrypted instantly at the conclusion of computations.

Help And Support

Decision Analyst fully supports all of its software, systems, and services; some of these support services are free, while others incur modest fees.

Training and Resources

If you would like training in any of Decision Analyst’s software systems, or have a group to train, you can schedule a day or two of on-site training at your organization. If you only have one or two individuals to train, then it is usually more economical to send employees to regularly scheduled training sessions at our headquarters in Arlington, TX. The Training Director can provide costs and schedules. Contact for pricing and more information.

Contact Us

For Colibri information, please contact Lisa Hazen, or call 817-640-6166. For information on Reckon® Analytics, please contact Justin Thomas at or 817-640-6166. For information about Decision Analyst’s research and consulting services, contact Jerry W. Thomas at or call 817-640-6166.